The Association conducts an annual general meeting of members each year, generally in October and usually at Mangrove Mountain NSW. Notices of the AGM are mailed or emailed to members at least 6 weeks prior to the meeting and always with sufficient time for those wishing to nominate for election to do so. The business of such meetings include:
- Agenda
- Welcome
- Minutes of the previous annual or special general meeting
- President’s Report
- Financial Statements
- Audit Report
- Election of Office Bearers for the new term of office (one year).
- General Business of which due notice has been given (at least 21 days)
NB. In order to be eligible to vote at this meeting, members must be financial. ie. You must have paid your membership fees for the current financial year prior to the commencement of the meeting.
Special General Meetings of members may also be called as needed in terms of our Constitution.
The association also issues newsletter periodically to keep members appraised of our current position and planned activities.
If you would like to join us — Apply now!